History of the institute
Initially, the idb´s primary objectives were teaching and researching topics centered on data processing in business („Betriebswirtschaft“), economic („Volkswirtschaft“), social economic („Sozialwirtschaft“) or economic pedagogy („Wirtschaftspädagogik“) studies. Meanwhile, the new university degree „Wirtschaftswissenschaften“ has been introduced to succeed some of these subjects.
Starting in the Mid-90s, the main emphasis of the institute´s work have since been „Digital Business“ and „Digital Eduction“. Until 2001, all E-Business-related teaching had to be conducted as part of the study subjects „ABWL“ and „Individuelle Datenverarbeitung“.
Due to the revamped of study subjects in 2001 the institute is now offering the courses „Information Processing I“ (Informationsverarbeitung I) and „Information Processing II“ (Informationsverarbeitung II) as well as the specialization area „E-Business Management“ for „Wirtschaftswissenschaften“. Available subjects include:
- Business and Internet
- Technical Basics of E-Business
- e-Learning
The working guidelines of the institute are:
- Preparing the students in the best possible manner for the requirements of today’s fast changing business world by offering a solid basic IT education.
- All institute activities are focussed on new business solutions that are enabled by recent IT developments.
- The institute’s research embraces the most recent technological developments and analyzes their possible impacts on the business world.
- The institute puts an emphasis on the tool character of IT systems in the business world.
- Focus on the use of digital media in business and education.
- End-User-Computing is another research area.
- We practice a close cooperation with businesses as well as other educational institutions.